Smart Manufacturing — Evolution of Industry 5.0 Announcing the Next Manufacturing Revolution

1 min readNov 1, 2021


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Smart manufacturing has pervaded across multiple industries and is projected to overhaul the business landscape in the years to come. Smart manufacturing refers to the use of computerized systems and key manufacturing technologies in order to enhance the agility, quality, and speed of manufacturing. Furthermore, smart manufacturing is substantially different from traditional manufacturing in the sense that the former involves workforce training and concept transformation to bring about product transaction. Traditional manufacturing methods involve customary usage of raw materials to develop final products while smart manufacturing is a more customized approach that focuses on the detailing of products. The contemporary scenario has witnessed several digital transformations and solutions come under the spotlight of attention, which has aided the growth of the global market for smart manufacturing. Several research organizations have vindicated the use of smart manufacturing by stating that there is minimal production of waste when digital technologies are used for manufacturing.

The implementation of advanced technologies is necessary to fulfill the potential for improvement. Most notably the technology of digital twins, which is already integrated into modern smart industry systems.

